Hello! I am Adria Ali, the author of this web page and I have been a personal trainer for over 13 years. I currently hold a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology (exercise science), as well as all of the certifications from National Academy of Sports Medicine. I also have background in sports training as well as internships in physical therapy and Occupational Therapy. I got into personal training to help people like my mom and myself who have struggled with their weight their whole lives.
In my early 20’s I had struggles of my own. My weight had shot up to 200lbs. I was working out 6 times a week and watching my food intake like a hawk yet my weight kept climbing. Frustrated and mad, I went to my doctor and demanded an allergy test and a blood test. When the results came back it showed I was allergic to gluten (wheat, flour) the very things I was eating. I also had a severe thyroid problem. With medication, my weight slowly went down. However, I still had 50 extra pounds on my frame. Over time I learned to eat based on my allergy and I worked off the extra 50 pounds with good ‘ol exercise and determination.
Unlike many trainers, I wasn’t given this fantastic metabolism and I could NEVER eat whatever I wanted. I believe I am a different breed of trainer, one that knows the frustrations of being over weight, and what a physical and mental struggle it is to become healthy and fit.
I love helping people. I have dedicated my life to changing peoples perception of fitness inside and outside of the gym.
In 2013, I developed a fat burning formula that is implemented in my new bootcamp company known as Body Burn. This formula enables people to lose body fat, get lean, and develop definition at a rapid pace. Body Burn Bootcamp currently has locations in the Los Angeles, Pasadena, and Newport Beach areas and is expanding rapidly. If you are local, you can find us at BodyBurnBootcamp.com
April of 2014 is the launch of our online Body Burn program. Now readers can get the benefits of personal training at home in a weekly workout routine. For less then 2 dollars a week readers can be part of the Body Burn workout routine. Just pick your level and set up your account and login in whenever you want to get your weekly routine and premium content that’s only shared with members.
Feel Free to leave your comments and questions…I would love to hear from you!
Video and Audio Team
Camera Operator: Alexis Roulette
Sound Engineer: Alexander Ali