Let’s face it, not everyone’s comfortable at the gym. For some the setting is alien, others feel self conscious and would rather avoid it, or it simply gets so crowded you can barely get a rep in.
If you’re one of these people, but still want to get a workout in, bodyweight training is your best option. It’s a modality that’s on the rise again. More and more people realize the convenience of it. No extra weights are required and it can be done anywhere.
I’m a big proponent of it, mostly because it allows me to train functionally as well, meaning for every day life activities such as lifts and step ups, minimizing my risk of injury performing those tasks.
The Main Benefits of Body Weight Training
1) Efficiency of the workout
You can really put that HIIT to work, and since no weight is involved, the transition time is a lot less, allowing you to flow through the workout.
2) Maximized fat burn
Circuit training using body weight only, stacking strength and cardio, will get your to that fat burning zone faster, and will do the job lot quicker than your conventional lifting/cardio session.
3) Good for all levels
There’s a wide variety of moves, all easily modifiable for every level and condition.
4) Improved core strength
Most people immediately think 6-pack when it comes to core, but there’s so much more to it than that. In fact, the core is comprised of 29 muscles, and most exercises, when done properly, engage them all. An improved core will not only give you a nice toned look, but it will help you with balance and can reduce back pain.
5) Increased flexibility
Reps performed with full range of motion, allowing the joints to move freely can increase flexibility, which in turn can improve posture and reduce the risk of injury. That’s why yoga is often recommended for strengthening and lengthening.
6) Time is no longer an excuse
Since you need to weights and no equipment, you can work out literally anywhere. No more excuses, sorry!
7) Budget friendly and fun
Again, no equipment fees, no gym memberships, and there are a lot of resources for workouts. You can even enlist friends and do group or partner sessions, keeping it fresh and interesting.
It really is that simple. Working out doesn’t have to be an elaborate affair. It’s accessible to anyone who wants to and is committed to doing it. It’s easy to get creative with it and get results. No excuses, just get to it. Here’s a quick and easy workout to start you off with. You can download a timer. Set it 60 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Repeat each circuit 3 times. You get 30 seconds of rest between circuits. And GO!
Circuit 1 (3 sets)
Squats 60s
Alternating forward lunges with a rotation 60s
No Medicine Ball is Necessary – Simply clasp your gads together instead.
Jumping jacks 60s
No weights required but if you want to turn up the intensity and you have weights then it will help you burn more calories
30 second rest
Circuit 2 (3 sets)
Tricep dips 60s
Push ups (knees or toes) 60s
Squat Thrusts 60s
30 second rest
Circuit 3 (3 Sets)
Bicycle crunches 60s
Side plank dips 30s/side
Hold this pose then dip up and down for 30 seconds on each side
Mountain climbers 60s
Use this body weight circuit anytime and anywhere to keep you fitness rolling!
Want to recover faster, workout longer and burn more calories while doing it? Stop by the FitTipStore.com and pick up some of our BCAA’s to maximize your workout!
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