The more I train people the more I realize that weight loss and fat loss are dependent upon SO many variables. The average person thinks that moving more and eating less is the way to go (which is usually true), but as we age things start to get a little out of whack. It seems as though everyone needs a “tune up,” to keep their bodies running correctly. One of the main reasons that hormones begin to malfunction over time is due to things you’re consuming. When I was a kid, we bought meat in large portions based on price and ate it till it was gone. Now, I’ve learned that hormones that are fed to animals transfer to humans, these can then cause weight issues and hormone issues. The influence of your hormones on you weight loss is huge. I’ve personally experienced it and so have MANY of my clients.
Hormones and Weight Gain
Are your hormones stopping you from losing weight? OR are they making it very difficult to lose weight and keep it off? I’d say about 20 -30 % of my clients struggle with some sort of hormone imbalance. In a perfect world, there would be a weight loss center that tested all your hormones before you began you training regiments. In the course of losing weight the ol’ fashion way, you would also be getting your body back to homeostasis (balancing). If you have the money to invest in something like this, contact me directly and we will make it happen For now, you have to take control of your own body and watch for these sign and symptoms to make sure your hormones aren’t affecting your weight loss.
Symptoms of Low Progesterone
- Mood swings
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Appetite changes
- Weight changes
- Irritability Lack of concentration
- Anxiety
- Fatigue
- Frequent menstruation
- Irregular menstruation
- Low sex drive
- Migraines
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
- Vaginal dryness Painful intercourse
Symptoms of Low Estrogen
- Hot flashes—a sudden sensation of heat in your face, neck and chest that may cause you to sweat profusely, increase your pulse rate and make you feel dizzy or nauseous. A hot flash typically lasts about three to six minutes, although the sensation can last longer and may disrupt sleep when it occurs at night.
- Irregular menstrual cycles
- Breast tenderness
- Exacerbation of migraines
- Mood swings
Symptoms of Low Female Testosterone
- Fatigue
- Definite loss of muscle strength and mass
- Accumulation of fat, especially around the abdomen
- Depression
- Increased risk of osteoporosis and related bone deterioration
- Increased risk of cardiovascular disease
- Vaginal dryness
- Lack of interest in sexual activity
- Painful sexual intercourse
- Sudden absence of menstruation
- Hot flashes
- Anxiety
- Irregular periods
- Mood swing
- Hair loss
- Sore breast
- Trouble sleeping
- Anorgasmia or the inability to have orgasms (source)
Don’t these symptoms look fun!? These have the ability to turn your life and you weight upside down! Not to mention your relationships. If you have insurance, I always recommend getting a FULL panel of hormones done. Even if you don’t have insurance, go to a naturopath and have them done. I also tell people to have the FULL thyroid panels done (not just TSH).
As a reference, based on my experience, hormones start to go a little crazy around your early to mid 30’s. Especially if you have been taking birth control. If you haven’t but you feel you have a lot of these symptoms, then it can’t hurt to get them tested. I personally prefer to go to naturopaths because they focus on keeping you in the mid range for all the hormones, not just “in the range.”
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