Years ago weight watchers released their point system and the world of dieters took a big sigh or relief from calorie counting. Millions of dieters and lifestyle changers follow the point system and many of them have the points memorized. The system of points has been based only on calories with no regard to the health benefits of the food. Now, weight watchers is retracting their old system and changing the point system to reflect fiber, fat, protein, and carbs.
The cult like following of weight watchers will most likely get on board with the new, healthier changes. The commercials that depict celebrity clients losing weight and feeling great are inspiring but has weight watchers always been the best and most beneficial diet on the market? Their is no question that WW is the most commonly used system. So, it takes a lot of guts to admit that their diet had some flaws and change it for the better and for their millions of clients. We give them props for taking this step and helping to make America more health conscious of all aspects related to food intake.
Adria Ali
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