Alli hit the stands as the “first FDA approved over the counter diet pill.” America rushed out to the store to buy this “wonder pill” in hopes that this would solve their weight loss problems and allow them to eat fast food without the negative affects. So is this pill everything that the commercial claims it to be??? Can this diet pill help you get to your goal even if you cheat once in a while? Here are the facts… you decide… friend or foe?
How the pill works:
- According to the Alli website“alli prevents your body from absorbing about a quarter of the fat you eat. Fat is more calorie-dense than carbs or protein. Just one gram of fat has more than double the calories of the same amount of protein or carbs. So if you eat a reduced-calorie, low-fat diet and use alli capsules, you can make a real difference in your weight as you limit the total number of calories that enter your system.”
The advertisement on both tv and the web states that alli is to be used while eating a low calorie diet and while exercising. However, chances are that most people will use this pill to eat whatever they want. IF you decide to eat whatever you want this is what will happen….
“What are treatment effects?
alli™ works by preventing the absorption of some of the fat you eat. The fat passes out of your body, so you may have bowel changes, known as treatment effects. You may get:
- gas with oily spotting
- loose stools
- more frequent stools that may be hard to control (”
According to…
“The drug’s maker, GlaxoSmithKline, has been up front about the pill’s side effects, suggesting that first timers wear dark pants or bring a change of clothes to work until they get used to the diet pill’s potentially yucky consequences.”
Here are some quotes from users of the diet pill (if you have a weak stomach skip this part!!!!)
“(I)’ve pooped my pants 3 times today, and sorry to get descriptive but it even leaked onto the couch at one point!”
“(Y)a know how when you start moving around in the morning ya pass a little gas. Well, I did and then went into the bathroom and to my horror I had an orange river of grease running down my leg.”
“I’m thinking that infant diapers might be a cheaper way to go, just use them as a large pad.”
“It forces you to eat a lower-fat diet — if you don’t, you’re violently penalized for not doing so,”
“I started very cautiously, and I’ve just grown more and more comfortable with it,” McMahan says. “I just follow the diet. I knew I couldn’t go out and order hot fudge cake.”
My mother’s close friend tried this pill when it first came out. She did workout and follow a low calorie diet. However, she splurged one night and ate domino’s stuffed crust pizza. She told my mom that when she went to the bathroom shortly after. The pizza was expelled and with it all the oil from the pizza. She said the oil floated on top of the water in a yellow orange goo (Ick!).
So now that you’ve read the article and the quotes… you judge for yourself. Is this pill really worth wearing children’s diapers to lose weight? Not to mention, risking having to run to the bathroom at work and possibly not making it?? Chances are, more and more people will try this pill especially after January 1st! However, the only way this pill really works is if you follow the instructions; workout and follow a low calorie diet. If you are doing that, then do you really need a pill to lose weight?
Adria Ali
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