Whether we like it or not, our workplace can become our second home. Often, we see our coworkers more hours a day than our family. When work is stressful, day in and day out, it comes as no surprise that we get burnt out. So what are we doing about this burnout? Instead of falling victim to this all-too-common occurrence, why not take advantage of the situation? By altering a few things about your routine, you can be better prepared for your job. If you can’t change your situation, why not alter your perspective and your actions. Check out the following fitness tips to get you back on track at work and make you a more happy and productive person.
1. Relax
Meditating helps, plain and simple. If you are as apprehensive about it as I was, start small. Try setting a timer for five minutes with a gentle tone when time is up. Turn off the lights and close your eyes. Try to bring your mind to a state of peace. Cut out all the negative things that happened throughout the day and focus on what is going right in your life.
Also, you can try taking a bath. This isn’t just for kids! Baths can be calming, especially if you light candles and turn the lights off.
2. Try a new hobby (not related to your job)
What do you do for fun? Is fun a foreign concept to you? If so, it shouldn’t be. Try having something like painting or photography (or something that you are actually interested in) as something you can turn to in order to de-stress and break up your routine.
3. Exercise! (of course)
There are countless reasons why exercise is good for you, but really, what other activity can lower your risk of disease? Multiple studies have shown that exercising will improve your mood and leave you feeling energized and ready for the day. Also, exercising, with proper nutrition, will help you lose that extra weight that’s literally been weighing you down.
4. Unplug.
Take your lunch outside and leave your phone. That’s right, that little bit of time we have to ourselves is just that, time to recharge to become more productive employees and human beings. Our lunchtime should be a time to get a nutritious meal, leaving behind processed foods, and refresh our minds from the stresses of the day. Also, don’t work on your lunch break. There’s plenty of time to work during your scheduled time. It’s extremely important to take breaks and not work through them.
Remember, avoiding burnout is all about recharging your body and mind. Take the opportunity to try something new everyday. Don’t be satisfied with the same old routine. The only thing holding you back is you. Don’t let the fact that you’ve never done it before stop you from trying something new today. So, get out there and make us proud!
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