What if there was a machine that would shorten your workout time and still give you the results you desire? Would you buy it? Bowflex has always been ahead of the curve with it’s machines and it’s progressive philosophies on exercise. Now they have released a new cardio machine, Bowflex max. It claims that you can burn up to 2.5 times more calories then other popular gym equipment!
Bowflex Max Claims …
After Burn –
When doing their interval routine, some burned up to 48 hours later. Imagine if you were doing it daily, your after burn periods would begin to overlap.
Half The Space
Bowflex Max takes up half the space of an average treadmill. Making it a very compact and effective machine to have in your house
Stay Motivated with the Bowflex Max Meter that also links to your iPhone.
Full body Burn – Other ellipticals claim that they engage your upper body. Bowflex Max uses 80% more upper body activation then the average elliptical machine.
Vertually Zero Impact – Bad knees or Joints? This machine has 200% less impact then jogging (bowflex max source)
This is not an ad for bow flex but I do own 2 pieces of equipment from them and I love them. I use them often and I haven’t had any issues. I can proudly say that I have gotten my moneys worth out of each product! When I saw Bowflex Max on T.V. I had to check it out! Their products can be such a blessing for those who decide to embrace fitness at home! Personally, I use mine for the days that I don’t want to go to the gym, or when I am too busy. There are no excuses when the equipment is in your house.
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