In order to have Gwyneth Paltrow‘s body you must have her trainer Tracey Anderson and in order to have Tracey Anderson as your personal trainer then you must have Gwyneth Paltrow’s money and there in lies the problem. Excuse me while I come to my senses and shed a tear.
Lucky for us commoner’s, who am I kidding, I’m not a commoner and neither are you. My acting career is on the rise people, watch out world. For the meantime, until I make my first million, I can’t afford Tracey Anderson just yet, but she has DVDs. Yay!
Here’s my favorite part about the Tracey Anderson Method, she doesn’t think you need to kill yourself with cardio in order to be lean and in the best “feminine” physical shape.
I swear. Here are her words, verbatim.
“Running a marathon is a real and measurable accomplishment, but if you’re looking to lean out and lose weight, training to complete 26.2 miles isn’t going to give you the physical results you crave.”
Marathons, ha. NEVER again. Not like I’ve ever been inclined to do so, but now that Tracey Anderosn, Gwyneth Paltrow’s trainer says it won’t give me my desired body then I will never THIINK about doing a marathon.
The reason Tracey is literally talking to me to because I recently started to hit the gym and realized that I was getting bulky rather than lean. Let’s just say my old trainer thought huge muscles were hot and they may be hot on some girls, but I have a small frame and it made me look fat rather than fit. So now I’m in the process of de-bulking and now that Tracey Anderson and Gwyneth Paltrow have showed me the light, I’m really into de-bulking.
Here’s what Tracey Anderson says to big muscles.
“While bulkier muscle looks OK on women in their 20s and 30s, it doesn’t age well. The sooner you build a long, lean, and feminine arm, the more sustainable the results will be – and with no sacrifice in strength.”
Love that. Thank you Tracey Anderson and Gwyneth Paltrow for changing my outlook on muscles and giving me a new work out obsession.
Get Lean,
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