Jillian Michaels is EVERYWHERE! She’s on TV, all over the web, and continues to make appearances in multiple magazines. However, this time her appearance is needed in court! One of her very own clients is taking her to court based on her new weight loss pills.
The client says that Jillian’s claims of taking 2 pills a day to lose weight are false. The boxes reads..”Just 2 pills a day before meals .. that’s it! You lose weight!”
Both Jillian and the maker of the weight loss supplement are being sued. The trainer stands to lose $5 million if the court rules against her.
This whole story seems both sad and over the top. As trainers, we know that the FDA doesn’t have to approve nutritional supplements or their claims. Companies could be putting bird seed in your multivitamin; as long as it didn’t produce any negative side affects, no one would know the difference! The sad part is that one of Jillian’s own clients betrayed her by bring this suit to court in an effort to get money. Personally, I don’t think that she will lose. However, I’m sure that the company involved in making the supplements will change the box and their claims as a result of the court case.
Lish says