For years the focus of weight loss was based on 3 major points. Fat, carbs and calories were the culprits and they must be stopped! However, more and more research is showing that carbs are the real enemy. While its not recommend that carbs be completely wiped out of your diet, controlling them could be the try key to weight loss.
A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine adds to the body of evidence that cutting back on carbs, not fat, can lead to more weight loss (source). University researches tracked two groups of dieters. The age groups ranges from their 20’s to mid 70’s. All age groups were a mix of different ethnic backgrounds. The low carb group decreased their carbohydrate into by 28 percent (of their daily calories). While the other group, the low fat dieters got about 40 to 45 percent of their calories from carbs. This study lasted an entire year.
The Results
The low fat group lost 4 pounds while the low carb group lost 12. The participants in the group were eating roughly the same amount of calories.
What Did They Consume
The low carb groups mainly ate a diet that was rich in proteins such as fish, chicken, and some red meat. As well as lots of vegetables. Their carbs came from whole grain sources. They had generous portions of healthy fats such as olive oils, canola and other plant-based oils.
Fat accounted for a sizable part of their diet: from 40 percent to 43 percent of their total daily calories, including about 12 percent from saturated fat (source).
Remember that its diets rich in healthy fats. Eating fried foods doesn’t count. Among this info about carbohydrates and fat, is the most recent research on omega fats that show that diets rich in olive oils has the ability to cut strokes by 30 percent compared to low fat diets (New England Journal of Medicine).
Among the benefits of weight loss, researchers have also found that low glycemic diets aid in weight loss. This means that it’s not just about how many carb you are eating but what type!
Fun Fitness Fact: Dr. David Ludwig found that when people stopped eating so many refined carbohydrates, they burned off about 150 more calories per day, compared to those eating a higher carb, lower fat diet.
Eating low carb could be the best way to lose weight, keep it off and stay healthy. Make sure you watch our site for Low Carb Recipes every Monday! You can also find them under out “Eat It” tab above
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