Most of us can pin point a period or a time in our childhood that is remembered through out our adulthood. Whether we were the “fat kid” on the playground, the “dumb kid,” in class or the the kid who just didn’t cut it at sports, we all have a memory of not being “good enough.” Whether we like it or not, these memories hold us back throughout life. They slow us down when we seem to be at our strongest. They lead to self sabotage, doubt, and depression. Even when you think you have it all figured out, that memory creeps back in and can ruin what we’ve worked so hard to overcome. This monthly motivation is more about the mental aspect of success. Whether you use these fitness tips for exercise, your career, or life in general, it’s a powerful image that can alter the way you react and help you transform your patterns of self doubt, regret, and self sabotage into patterns of change, happiness and success.
How to beat Self Sabotage before it starts
My mom is a wise woman, she’s always been able to break down perspectives and analyse what makes thoughts and actions take hold of a normally strong person. In a past conversation, she brought up the “child” in us all. This exercise expands on a principle that everyone can use to their advantage.
Fitness Tips for Breaking Self Sabotage
Picture a time in your childhood that was painful. Maybe it made you sad, your were ridiculed, or hurt. It made you feel different from the other kids. We all have them. Most of us can pick one to two defining moments that stick out. This particular time in your life was a challenge and it seems to repeat in your head and tell you, “you aren’t good enough,” “you aren’t worthy,” or “you’ll always be” that fat kid or that stupid kid or that kid that doesn’t fit in.
Now, picture that child, what did they look like? How did they feel, and what stage in your life were you in? Every time, you think you’re not good enough, picture yourself hugging you, in that stage of your life. Hugging your inner child allows you to relate to that child (as an adult) you know you’ve grown to a stronger state. This exercise works in all areas of your life and helps you stop self sabotage in it’s tracks.
You no longer need to feel inadiquate. As an adult, you are no longer that helpless victim that you were as a child. After doing this exercise, you should feel relieved, calm, in control, and a lot more at peace with where you are in life and what you are doing. It’s ok to have set backs and it’s natural. What’s not ok, is of for you to be a vicitim of your past everyday of your life.
Remember this teqnique of hugging your inner child. Use it as much as you need to, and really feel the love for your past self. I have seen this work on myself and others and it has HUGE results. Another piece of advice is to talk to that child, calm them down, make them feel as though everything is going to be ok, becasue in the end, everything is ok. If it’s not ok, it’s not the end.
Love yourself,
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