It’s always amazing to see celebrities stay so fit ALL THE TIME. Most people have their ups and downs; not Reese. She has consistently maintained her weight through out all her movies. So how does she do it???? Here are some of her secrets……
Reese Witherspoon showed up to the Feb 20th premier of Peneoplelooking slim and trim. No wonder she looks so good, rumors have it that this FitCeleb shed 20 pounds in 2007! Eat your heart out Ryan Phillippe.
How did she do it? Reese teamed up with celebrity trainer Michael George. In addition to training Reese, Michael has helped Hollywood moms like Julianne Moore and Meg Ryan bounce back into shape post-pregnancy. In a recent interview, Michael revealed his top 5 celebrity slimming secrets to First Magazine . I LOVED these 5 tips because they are super easy to incorporate into your daily life and very specific and unique. But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself …..
Michael George’s Top 5 Slimming and Toning Secrets, compliments of First Magazine:
1. MIX IT UP TO WARD OFF BOREDOM: Michael revealed that Reese hates the gym. Instead, she stays active through a mixture of outdoor activities like walking the dog, playing with her kids, hiking, and running.
2. LOOK SKINNIER INSTANTLY: Michael advises his celeb mommies to:
“Wear spandex exercise pants to keep everything together and looking less jiggly. Then wear a pair of loose sweats over them to camouflage any thickness or untoned spots. ” (Ohhh – I need to try that one)
“I advise my clients to vary their routine by walking on a n incline or holding one-to-two pound weights,” says George. “Full water bottles are great for this, and you can hydrate when you’re done.”(Now all I have to do is actually remember to bring my water bottle…..)
4. FUEL UP WITH A FAVORITE SIP: Michael encourages his celeb clients to fuel up on Java (in healthy moderation of course).
“Caffeine elevates the heart rate a bit, and some people say it keeps them from getting hungry.”
5. SWITCH SHOES FOR GREAT RESULTS: Michael recommends purchasing two pairs of shoes and alternating them each time you workout. Why? The more supportive the sneaker the more protection for your ankles, knees, and hips. For running he recommends Asics or Brooks (credit)
Although these tips are great; I think Reese has some more tricks up her sleeve. This information is nothing new if you are an avid “gym goer.”
Adria Ali
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