You can get a multitude of fitness advice from various resources. I found this tip on a famous body builders site, listened to his video (and through all the swearing), then tested it on my own body. Within days I could see a difference in my arms and the muscles I was targeting. However, I should have listened to my gut and decreased the weight. By day 7 it was obvious that this bodybuilder was interested in “bulk up,” and not defining muscle. For that reason alone I am going to edit this fitness tip for both men and women. I changed my weight and was pleased to see some super charged results!
Night Max Out to Super Charge Your Results
Remember the old studying trick that taught you to study right before bed? The theory was, what you did right before bed was the thing you thought about as you slept. Sure it may dissipate to a certain extent, but it had more staying powder. This same fitness tip is using that principle. What you do for your body at night (right before bed) stays in the memory of the mind and the muscle.
Important Tip: Nothing should come after these exercises. Don’t go brush your teeth, don’t read a book, don’t play with your dog, and don’t scan social media. Go directly to sleep and let your body focus on the muscles you just worked.
Pick Your Weight
For men, if you’re trying to gain muscle shoot for 15 – 20 pounds. I know it sounds light, but it will be plenty
For women who are trying to define the muscles shoot for 1 to 3 pound weights. I started out with 5 pound weights and that was way too much. I could finish the sets but my arms grew too much. Most women are just trying to define so using less weight is best.
Pick Your Muscle Groups
Choose as many muscle groups as you like. I would start simple, then you can add on later. Remember, you’re going to be doing this at night SO you may be too tired to do a full on routine!
I personally started simple and chose biceps and triceps. The exercises were bicep curls and tricep extensions.
Start Your Routine
Right before bed (as described above) perform 100 reps of a very light weight. Try not to take breaks during the set. If you have to pause that’s fine but shoot for the whole 100 repetitions. Do 3 sets of each exercise (or as many as you think you can do, I started with 2). Then climb into bed and dream about your results. Do this every night and watch as your body begins to change. I noticed results within 4 – 5 days which is pretty darn quick!
You See What You Eat
Think of exercise as a way to bring the definition to life, and think of your food intake as the frame that creates your body. I describe it to my clients as this…..
Feed your body the right foods to have the absolute frame. Then, build upon it with exercise to define the curves and the ultimate look.
Test out these fitness tips to super charge your results with 100’s. Eat healthy for the best and most defined look possible. Then, report back and let us know how you did!
Adria Ali
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