For those who don't know, calves are actually genetic. I know, I know, you shouldn't blame your body on genetics .. however, this one can't be ignored. If you have huge calves then you probably inherited them. If you have bird legs then those were also handed down. After being a trainer … [Read more...]
Burn More Calories While Riding The Bike
Most people ride the bike aimlessly at the gym while they stare up at the tv and hope they are burning calories. However, if you know how to do it you could actually burn major amounts of calories instead of strolling through you cardio. Here are some tips to make your time on the bike more … [Read more...]
6 Simple Exercise Moves To Maximize Your Calorie Burning
The first thing we ask clients when they come to us is "what's your goal?" Most will say, "I want to tone up." OK people, lets get this clear; toning is just body fat loss! Women tend to store body fat in between muscle as well as on the outside of the muscle. However, me store fat … [Read more...]