What do you think about the colored tape that's being seen on endurance athletes? What's it's purpose? Kinesiology tape was first developed in the 1970s by Japanese chiropractor Kenzo Kase, kinesiology tape came to prominence after the 2008 Olympics, and several companies have developed products … [Read more...]
Training At Higher Altitudes Increases Growth Hormone
Athletes have taken advantage of training at higher altitudes for many years. However, they used this teqnique to increase their oxygen uptake and maximize their lung capacity. Now, new research is finding that increased altitude training can have a positive impact on human growth … [Read more...]
Lean, Mean Shake For Summer
Here's a great recipe for Summer to increase your protein and help you burn fat during the hot summer months compliments of Oxygen Magazine. Ready in 5 minutes • Makes 1 servingA high-protein shake that provides a modest amount of carbohydrates can be consumed one hour or less before … [Read more...]