"Diet" is always a touchy word. The mere thought of dieting evokes fear in people that have tried hundreds of times and failed. However, there are key factors that go into a successful diet. Here are 4 reasons you AREN'T succeeding at your diet. 1.) You wait too long to eat. The body is … [Read more...]
Magical Medicinal Sweetener – Yacon Syrup
In a world where sugar is in literally EVERYTHING; I was amazed when my mom introduced me to Yacon Syrup. This could be the start to a solution for obesity! This medicinal root is low glycemic, low calorie, and made of FOS. The complex sugars in the syrup combat disease and fight bad bacterias … [Read more...]
Think You’re Eating Healthy? Think Again!
Think you're eating healthy? Yeah right! Little changes in your food intake can show huge results in you weight, inches, and body fat. Now a days we eat more and more processed food. Anything that is deemed "quick" usually falls into this category, and is bad with a capital B! Some deceiving … [Read more...]
Are You Being Reasonable With Your Weight Loss?
The worst thing about losing weight and inches is not losing them fast enough. Yet, how many people do you know that actually KNOW they want to lose weight gradually? The average person wants instant gratification... they want results and they want them now! If they don't get the results … [Read more...]
Could The “Pistachio Principle” Help You Lose Without Feeling Deprived?
Time is always of the essence in today's society. The constant strain of time could be working against us when it comes to our calorie intake. When I ran across this principle, it caught my attention by promising that you could essentially eat whatever you wanted without feeling deprived … [Read more...]
“Sugar Is The Devil” Says Jackie Warner
The Show "Workout" may be over but Jackie Warner's TV appearance aren't. You wouldn't know it by watching the show (since it was mostly gym drama), but the girl actually knows her stuff and answers some of the most common questions about diet. Her tips are right on! … [Read more...]