The worst thing about leaning up is being hungry. Sensa has hit the scene to keep the weight off but there are also natural ways to keep your hunger at bay. Stay full longer with these fitness tips. Tips to Stay Full 1.) Cabbage - I noticed while playing the "Game On … [Read more...]
Sitting Still Increases Hunger
If you think exercising makes you eat more then read this new study! Turns out, that the biggest contributor to hunger is sitting still! So for all those people NOT exercising so they can keep their calorie intake lower; you might need a new execuse! In a study, billed as … [Read more...]
Is Your Lack Of Sleep Making You Fat?
It's winter time and the sun goes down early. People tend to curl up on the couch instead of doing bicep curls in the gym. However, just because the sun is going to bed, doesn't mean that Americans are. Even with the recent writer's strike... people still tend to find some way to stay … [Read more...]