Yoga has been used for flexibility and general health for thousands of years. As somewhat of a beginner myself, I'm still discovering all the benefits of yoga, inside and out. While training a client I spoke of my somewhat sluggish thyroid and my need to get more tests done. … [Read more...]
Training At Higher Altitudes Increases Growth Hormone
Athletes have taken advantage of training at higher altitudes for many years. However, they used this teqnique to increase their oxygen uptake and maximize their lung capacity. Now, new research is finding that increased altitude training can have a positive impact on human growth … [Read more...]
Not Eating and STILL Overweight!
We all know those people who really do eat practically nothing, yet they are still overweight! How is it possible that someone who eats practically nothing can be so overweight? If this is you, or someone you know, then it's time you found out why! HOW THIS IS POSSIBLE...... … [Read more...]