If you're like me you're feeling a little out of sorts today and it's not just the alcohol consumption, it's all the FOOD I consumed! I ate so much food, no guys, soooooooo much! Going to bed full from 4 hours ago is not fun. So this morning I thought, "I'll make it to pilates." It didn't … [Read more...]
“So You Think You Can Dance”- Comes To Your Living Room
Now here's a fun way to get fit while having fun and watching your favorite dancers from one of Amercia's Top Shows. "So You Think You Can Dance," has released it's own workout DVD to get America in shape. This could actually be more beneficial then a lot of other workout dvds that never … [Read more...]
Rainy Day Workouts
When it's cold and wet outside no one wants to leave their warm house and make the trek to the gym. However, we all want to stay fit so that when the sun starts shining again we look good in the sun. At home workout routines keep people from using excuses and keeps your fitness routine on … [Read more...]
Mountain Bike In Your Living Room
Biking can be a great workout if done correctly. Taking spinning classes is an excellent way to rev up your heart rate and your metabolism. So, check out this REALLY cool stationary bike that's nothing like your typical "stationary" bike! The RealRyder (2,395) is very costly. … [Read more...]