We are all guilty of eating to fast from time to time. In my particular field, we can be the worst when it comes to eating too fast. This is due to our back to back schedules where we work for hours without time to stop and eat. The problem with eating too fast stems from our brain. Hormones in the body relay to the mind that we are full. However, it can take your brain up to 20 minutes to register this feeling. If you are scarfing down food you can imagine how much you can shovel in before it hits 20 minutes!
This interesting contraption actually regulates how much you eat and at what speed. If your eating too fast the plate/ scale will tell you to slow down. I can’t imagine using this plate in public, but the most commonly over-eaten meal is actually dinner so this could be good over the weekends and at night.
What do you think???? Would you use this plate???
To read on visit the Scientific America.
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