Five years ago the foam roller was laughed at. However, you could come into the gym and see certain trainers using it diligently with their clients, while other trainers used only traditional stretching methods. It’s safe to say that the foam roller has become a fixture in the gym and one of thee BEST way to release muscle tension. I am an avid user and promoter of foam rolling. These are my TOP 3 reasons YOU should be foam rolling.
Chronic Muscle Tension
Desk jobs, driving, repetitive movement patterns and just plain ol’ life contribute to chronic muscle tension. This tension causes pain, horrible movement patterns that break down your body, and horrible head aches. A large portion of the population walks around with muscle tension which leads to agitation, increased cortisol levels (which leads an increase in body fat), headaches and injury. This low grade pain and irritation is breaking the body down little by little step by step!
Joint Pain and Stiffness
So you rolled out of bed this morning and the first thing you thought was, “OUCH!” or “Man I’m tight!” If that’s your usual response to waking up then it’s time you start foam rolling. It’s not about age, or the milage on your body, it’s about inflammation and improper tracking of your joints. If you’re muscles are tight they will PULL your joints out of alignment. This constant pulling leads to inflammation an then to injury. Foam rolling helps to get rid of the knots in the muscles that cause the pulling on the joints. Thus, allowing the body to move more freely.
Back in the day foam rolling didn’t exist. It was common to hear your elders talk about who old they “feel.” They also talk about how they “don’t move the way they used to.” From my experience as a trainer, I can tell you that I have seen some HUGE miracles take place with the help of foam rolling and myofacial release. You body is similar to that of a well constructed machine. Your body, just like your car, needs to be looked after and taken care of or it will break down. Looking after your muscles is quite possible one of the best things you could do. This muscle allows you to move, keep your weight down, and produce the “youth hormone” know as HGH. With the help of foam rolling, you intern fight off disease and prevent joint damage.
Hopefully, I’ve convinced you that it’s well worth your time to foam roll! If you want to buy one then visit the Fit Tip Store and get FREE shipping on all our items! Know someone with joint issues and chronic pain?? Maybe they should be foam rolling! Use the share link above to fill them in on these fitness tips!
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