You remember that time when you fell in love? The world seemed amazing, nothing could go wrong, and food really just wasn’t that big of a deal. Scientists have proven that our bodies produce the hormone known as Oxytocin when we are in love. This hormone also seems to have a wonderful side affect, weight loss! Now researchers are mimicking this love hormone in a nasal spray to help people get the high of being in love with the wonderful side affect of getting lean.
A study was conducted by the Boston Nutrition and Obesity Research Center. They tested the nasal spray on 25 men. About half were over weight and the other half were not. They used the spray before breakfast and observed that they ate an average of 122 less calories and 9 grams less fat in comparison to a placebo spray.
“We found the men ate less, seemed to burn more fat, and seemed to handle their insulin better” after receiving the oxytocin spray, said study leader Dr. Elizabeth Lawson, director of the interdisciplinary oxytocin research unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. “We’re still in the early stages, but we’re hoping to research this further to see if it could be a potential treatment forobesity.”
This study is so new that it hasn’t had time to make it’s way into the peer reviewed medical journal just yet, but should be published soon.
The “Love” hormone related to this study is known as Oxytocin. This is also the chemical that gets released every time we kiss or hug a loved one. In the brain it acts as a nerve signal. Dr. Lawson believes that the spray works because it crosses the “blood brain barrier” and comes into contact with the regions of the brain that control appetite. There will need to be more research to confirm Lawson’s theory further. The study will also need to be tested on women. However, it seems to be safe based on animal testing.
Europe is already ahead of the U.S. They have been using Oxytocin for women who are having trouble lactating. Oxytocin is higher in mothers who are lactating. It’s dispensed in a nasal spray also and has had very positive results in that area.
“I think it is fair to say that the safety data thus far is reassuring, but it will be important to study the safety and efficacy of daily intranasal oxytocin,” said Lawson, who has not received financial funding from Novartis (source)
While the research looks promising, studies will reveal more information. Hundreds of thousands of people are taking loads of caffeine, pre works, and other “uppers” to help them shed the weight. It might be more natural to ditch all the stimulants and trade them in for something our body is already producing naturally. It might even make the world a more loving place to be 😉
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