Weight Watchers has been around for years. They have evolved over time into a HUGE company that has centers all over the United erStates, as well as, their own food line. Now they have developed a new gadget to help their marketing even more!
Although, pedometers aren’t anything new; weigth watchers has made one that actually tracks how many points you earn based on how many steps you take. What a cool idea to get people up and moving!
Here is an excerpt from a forum from a satified customer…
The new WW pedometers keep track of everything: your weight, your stride, the time of day, how many steps you take, the distance in miles that you walk, and how many activity point you earn. And it has two settings: “All Day” for just walking around town and doing errands and just general strolling/walking and “Active” move for people who run or powerwalk. It’s terrific. I wear it every day. I walk around 25 minutes in the morning and another 25 minutes back to the train at night so by the end of the day, I can sometimes earn 3 activity points which is pretty good if you feel like a snack at night, ya know? They cost $23.95 (source).
If you are already doing weight watchers then this might be a cool gadget for you to have! It’s inexpensive and motivational. Never underestimate how visual the human race is. Being able to see your “true” activity could be enough to get you up off the couch and into the gym in no time!
Adria Ali
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