In the beginning, working was a way to pay your bills, put food on the table and achieve the “American Dream.” However, it seems as though the overachievers of the world have trouble turning off their “work mode,” and transitioning into their home life. Increased hours on the job also lead to increased stress levels, poor eating habits, irregular sleeping patterns, and increased health risks. So what do you do if you are the “workaholic?” What if you’re desperately searching for a way to help someone you love break this deadly work ethic and find some balance in their lives? We have some fit tips to keep the workaholic healthy.
Schedule Schedule Schedule – Most of the time these people stick to a strict schedule. So why not convince them to set aside 30 mins to an hour a day. Have them write it in their planner and treat it like an appointment.
Gear Up – There’s nothing like going shopping for new equipment to make people want to work out. Find a new hobby that they will enjoy. Most Workaholics will go out, buy the equipment, research the best places for the activity and schedule it into their day with enthusiasm.
Incorporate Fitness At Work – It’s hard to get these people away from their desks once they are at work. SO why not have them sit on a ball or “sitfit” while doing their work? They will burn more calories while preforming their daily tasks.
Reminders – Set your phone or a timer to go off every 2 hours. When it rings do some sort of activity. It could be stretching, push-ups, squats, or even a brisk walk around the building.
Get The Family Involved – Once the cycle of activity has been worked into the schedule, plan active outings during the weekend.
The most important thing about helping yourself or loved ones is that they must commit to make the change themselves. Sure, a little extra help doesn’t hurt, but eventually they will have to make the decision themselves. The Type “A” workaholic is generally “all or nothing,” help them or yourself change their status from “nothing” to “all” with the help of this article!
Adria Ali
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