Everyone has a friend or someone in their family that has TERRIBLE posture. There are many factors that contribute to bad posture. One of the biggest contribubtors in todays world is our jobs. Most jobs and activities take place in front of our body. A LOT of people have “desk jobs.” Spending 8 hours in front of a computer can cause all kinds of problems. Things like carpel tunnel, pinched nerves, and tight chest muslces can arrise from poor posture. Not to mention; they can make you look akward.
So what if someone came up with an idea for all those people with “protracted shoulders” (as trainers like to call it)? Would you use a device that helped you sit up straight when you were at work, or at home sitting at your desk?? Fill out the survery and let me know!
[poll id=”5″]
(Due To Technical Difficulty, the pole in this article is not working. Please vote on the left hand column)
Adria Ali
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