Science is an ever changing process. What used to be fact is now becoming fiction. While trainers and fitness buffs all over the world have know that calories are not always “black and white,” science is catching up and proving this theory to be true. Everything from meal plans, to calorie counting devices, to new fitness apps, depend upon the “calories in verses calories out” rule. For those of you who don’t know what this means here is a short definition.
The calories you eat verses the calories you burn. If you burn more then you consume, you lose weight and. If you eat more then you burn you gain weight.
In the bodybuilding world, their goal is lean muscle and low body fat. They have known for years that where you get your calories makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE. Some examples can be seen in their fat intake. They stay away from saturated fats and add healthy fats such as, avacado, flax seed, and fish oils. They aren’t taking the fat out, they are replacing it with fats that the body can use more efficiently.
Research is bringing new light to this OLD fitness tip. The scientists at Harvard
The moral of the story is that it’s not enough to count calories; you have to look at the kinds of calories you’re counting because your body processes them differently based on their source. The Harvard study followed 120,877 men and women of all shapes and sizes for 12 to 20 years. Every two years, they completed a survey about their diet and lifestyle, along with their weight and current health.
The results were startling: even though most of us have been taught to believe that just eating less, avoiding fatty foods, and taking everything in moderation, it’s just not enough to stay healthy. Instead, they propose, Americans should temper their diet to minimize the foods that contribute the most to weight gain, like French fries, potato chips, and sugar-sweetened drinks. They also noted that the “good foods” were the ones most people already associate as good for you: fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Shocking??? I think not. However, to get the attention of mass media, and the respect from the public, science must prove this to be true. Alas, it doesn’t matter what makes people listen, as long as they use the information to better their health, body, and daily choices in nutrition. Take this information and RUN WITH IT. Trade in your white rice for brown, ditch your over processed breads and use whole grains and sprouted wheat! Cut down your fast food and introduce healthy fats. It’s never a waste of time to better your body!
Adria Ali
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