You’ve all seen those people at the gym… hanging out, leisurely doing their weights and cardio. They seem to be there passing the time so they can say they “went to the gym.” It’s almost as if going to the gym has become some status symbol. However, going to the gym definitely doesn’t mean that you are getting results! Are you your own worst enemy??? Are you haphazardly going through the motions without any destination or REAL goal?
You remember the times when you worked out hard… and had a vision of the body you wanted. Working hard, most people achieved that type of body at one point in their lives; only to take it for granted. Eventually, you began to eat more and more of what YOU wanted, instead of eating the foods you were supposed to eat. Slowly but surely, you began to lose your definition and pack on the pounds. Over this time you probably got older and more comfortable. In this comfort state, (caused by marriage, relationships, work, or laziness) you LOST ALL MOTIVATION to be truly fit.
Many people lose their motivation at some time or another. However, it’s up to you to regain control of your life and not lose focus of what makes you feel good about yourself.
Leave your cell in the locker (unless you need it near for work related stuff)
Set at least one personal fitness goal for the day(BEFORE you get to the gym). It could be something as simple as doing 2 extra minutes on cardio OR increasing your repetitions by 2 on each set.
Find a picture of YOU (not a model) where you looked your best. Put it on your wall, or fridge … somewhere that you will see it everyday.
Allow for plenty of rest. Not only do you need sleep, you also need to stager your workouts. You can’t beat yourself into the ground every single time you go to the gym. Pick days when you will REALLY push yourself to your breaking point at the gym. Every other day is a good goal.
Find ways to motivate yourself into better shape. Buy a size smaller pair of jeans, buy something with each little goal you hit, keep track of your progress.
Everyone slacks off now and again. As long as you don’t lose focus of your goals then you are sure to have success in fitness and SHOW IT.
Adria Ali
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