The dreaded belly fat plagues many people. Most people preform standard crunches either at home or in the gym. However, very few people do Reverse crunches. Reverse crunches target your LOWER abs. Add the reverse crunch to your routine to firm up that protion of your body that you have neglected to exercise.
START: Lie faceup with your arms alongside your body, palms down. Raise your legs so your hips and knees form 90-degree angles.
MOVEMENT: Contract your abdominal muscles to pull your knees toward your chest and your pelvis off the floor. Hold for a count and slowly return to the start.
>> Shoulders remain flat on the floor at all times.
>> Rotate your pelvis completely off the floor for maximum contraction.
>> Hold the peak contraction for two seconds or more.
>> Once you can complete 12-15 reps with ease, try holding a medicine ball between your ankles for added resistance (source).
Adria Ali
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