The celebrities always have a way of finding the best people to help them reach their goals FAST. Staying thin and fit is always number one on their list. Check out these celebrity diet tips to help you reach your goal fast as well!
The right kind of water
Sick of hearing the “drink eight glasses of water a day” mantra? Just when you think you have to get your lips around another glass of nothingness, trainer and nutritionist to the stars, Philip Goglia, suggests drinking a “bridge” drink. Find out more about different kinds of water.
Apple cider vinegar seems to be the new craze in Hollywood right now, ever since Fergie (pictured) told Glamour magazine that’s what she uses for
“stomach problems”. Find out how shots of vinegarkeep Fergie and other
celebs fit.
Go green for a day
Celebrity trainer Greg Joujon-Rouche, who is known for having trained Pink, Demi Moore and Brad Pitt (pictured), says going green is like doing a mini cleanse. Find out how you can go green for a day.
Healthy cocktails
Yep, you can drink alcohol and be healthy! Hollywood nutritionist Philip Goglia tells us how he advises his celeb clients to drink the “healthy” way: “The key is to stick to a single ingredient alcohol and stay away from fermented drinks.” Here’s the secret to healthy cocktails
Two tomatoes a day
Nutritionist to the stars, Philip Goglia, has his celebrity clients snacking on two full, raw tomatoes a day. Find out why tomatoes are so good for you and how to prepare them for the maximum effect.
Water keeps fat away
Ask any celebrity personal trainer how much water you should drink and most will tell you no less that three litres a day. “I like the waters that have added electrolytes, like Smart Water,” says Eva Longoria’s personal trainer, Patrick Murphy. And if you didn’t notice, Jennifer Aniston is the face and body of this brand of water.
Good carbs to eat for energy
“There are many good carbsto eat for energy. To stay lean, eat carbs that are high in fibre to avoid sugar spikes, which raise insulin and cause bodies to hoard and store body fat,” says Patrick Murphy, fitness trainer to the stars.
Celebrities and seaweed
Colonic irrigationist to the stars (yep, there is one!), Kelly Callas, known to “service” celebrities, such as Pammy Anderson and Avril Lavigne, recommends the latest product Quinton — a marine plasma she gives to her clients who are athletes, entertainers and anyone else seeking increased energy and endurance. Find out more about the benefits of seaweed.
(Photo: Getty Images)
(Photo: Getty Images)
Vitamin B helps lose weight
Celebrity nutritionist Elizabeth Marighetto says most people don’t know that B vitamins (especially B5 or pantothenic acid) are important to take when trying to lose weight. Find out more about how B vitamins help lose weight
Eat every three hours
“The secret to most celebrity diets is eating every two to three hours,” says trainer Patrick Murphy, famous for keeping Eva Longoria’s petite body in shape. Check out his advice on when and what to eat.
How celebs get their sleep
Celebrity nutritionist Philip Goglia recommends that his clients get a deep sleep for even just a few hours a night. “The best thing to use is a calcium, magnesium and zinc combination, such as Calcium Magnesium Zinc, it knocks you out,” he says. Find out how you can get a good night’s sleep.
Best legs in the business
Nervous about getting into that bikini? Want legs like Cameron Diaz? Celebrity nutritionist and trainer Philip Goglia recommends the ‘legs 11’ workout. Go on, here’s how to work those legs baby!
Educating yourself on a regular basis about new fitness trends can make all the difference. Stay healthy and fit by staying educated.
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