Weight loss pills may be a thing of the past. British research is developing a gum that releases a substance that tells your body you are full. This “substance” is based on an actual hormone in your body.
The drugmay soon be available in Britain, where rising obesity levels have led to a large increase in a number of related diseases and have threatened to swamp the nation’s state-run health service. The drug is designed to be absorbed through the mouth, making chewing gum an ideal delivery vehicle, researchers says
Laboratory tests so far have been encouraging. Human volunteers who were given the drug reduced their food consumption 15 to 20 percent without feeling hungry. Mice who were administered the drug lost 15 percent of their body weight in one week’s time.
Researchers say more testing is needed, but that the drug could be on the market within a few years. They say it could be delivered in a variety of ways besides chewing gum, including as a nasal spray and in injection (source)
Guess we will have to wait till this new weight loss gimmick is on the market and approved by the FDA. However, the idea is pretty genius for those who hate taking pills. If this hormone works then maybe we can wave “goodbye” to invasive surgeries and over caffeinated products that ruin your metabolism and burn up your muscle mass.
Adria Ali
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