Star Wars: The Force Awakens is will be out of theaters soon and production of the next movie in the planned trilogy is has begun filming. Daisy Ridley, the young star of the new films was told to put on a little muscle to make her thin frame appear a little more rugged. She took to the exercise regimen and continued it after filming The Force Awakens. She posted footage on Instagram of some of her training sessions that got her Star Wars fit. She has also discussed how the intense exercise improved her appetite, sleep and generally made her feel better.
The Fitness is With Her
You don’t have to train like Obiwan’s Padawan learner to get into shape, but Ms. Ridley’s workout is worth a look. She repeatedly makes several points including, perform the exercises and routines that suit you, work hard and don’t compare yourself with other people (source). Here’s a partial list of exercises Ms. Ridley used to get Star Wars fit.
Deadlifts (seen above)
Box Jumps
Bent Over Row
Air Squats
Bench Press
She performed a variety of workouts including strength training, circuit training and plyometric work.
Dark Side of Fitness
Daisy Ridley was recently the recipient of ugly social media attacks for her lack of curves. The same attacks complained that Ms. Ridley’s thin frame made her a bad role model for young girls because she provides an unrealistic body image (source). On the contrary, she is a fine example of one kind of real body. She happens to have a pretty thin frame. Others have a more athletic or voluptuous build. These are all real and a thin person shouldn’t be attacked anymore than a heavy person should. Star Wars celebrates a galaxy of diverse aliens, cultures and droids and certainly our planet has room for Ms. Ridley’s version of Star Wars fit.
Mike Phelps
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