In the world of fitness, sleep is an important factor in losing weight, keeping weight off and staying healthy. New research has surfaced that relates energy saving light bulbs to decreased production of Melatonin. Melatonin isn’t just for sleep, it has be thought to prevent cancer, and regulate hormones.
How Are Energy Saving Lights Affecting Sleep??
“They thought one of the reasons for this stronger link could be that people had switched to using energy saving lightbulbs.
They wrote: “In the past decade, light bulbs emitting bluer light waves (~460 nm) have been widely introduced to save energy consumption and reduce CO2 emission.”
They quoted another study which showed that exposure to bluer, shorter wavelength light for two hours in the late evening suppressed melatonin production more than the same exposure to yellower light (~550nm), which is more typical of filament bulbs.
The bluer light also made people more alert and increased their body temperature and heart rate.
Prof Haim thought this was because the bluer light from eco-lightbulbs mimiced the stronger light of midday closer than filament bulbs did.
Other possible problems with the energy saving light bulbs is the link to breast cancer. Since meletonin is thought to prevent breast cancer, using energy saving light bulbs is a big “no, no.”
Their study, published in the journal Chronobiology International, found breast cancer rates were up to 22 per cent higher in women who slept with a light on, compared to those who slept in total darkness.
They thought one of the reasons for this stronger link could be that people had switched to using energy saving lightbulbs (source)
While we love to “stay green” maybe using energy saving light bulbs in our bedrooms are a bad idea. The link to sleep and weight has been proven time and time again. Articles about the affects of sleep on overall weight and weight loss have now become more of a fact then research. If “blue light” is robbing us of our precious meletonin, creating bad sleeping patterns and a possibly putting us at risk for cancer, then I am taking them out STAT!
I noticed that their was a HUGE sale on the energy saving lights at the store the other day. The prices were so low that people were asking when it ended. Had I known about these recent studies, it would have made sense!!
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