We’ve all done it. Worked out till you were blue in the face; only to weigh yourself in the morning and ruin your day. Nothing is more disappointing then seeing the same number pop up on the scale week after week.
For most people that is the only way they are gauging their health and fitness. However, there is SO MUCH MORE to a healthy life style then just a number. We are plagued with a society riddled with osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes and much more. Many of these health issues could be solved with exercise and increased muscle mass. So here are some small facts to put your mind at ease when “your number” isn’t reflecting your workout…..
- Muscle weighs more then fat but takes up less space (I have been told 10 times less space)
- Water weight can change you weight on a daily basis. There is a more dramatic shift if you ate a lot of carbs the night before.
- For women, if your time of the month is on it’s way then water weight is a HUGE factor.
- Salt causes water weight gain.
- Not drinking enough water causes your body to retain. (are you drinking enough water consistently?)
- Drinking alcohol has a “yo-yo” affect. First your weight drops, due to lack of water; then it shoots up due to the dehydration.
Look at these causes for weight gain and loss. Notice that most of them have to due with water. The only way to see TRUE changes on the scale is to give your body enough time to change. At the gym, we recommend weighing yourself once every 3 weeks. Definitely avoid using it EVERYDAY.
Adria Ali
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