Over the years as a trainer I noticed patterns among my clients. These patterns should be put into a book but I have yet to do that! For now I will just deliver this info to my loyal readers.
Hunger is a tricky thing. You could be hungry when your actually thirsty, bored, or emotionally drained. The real key is knowing when to fight your hunger and when to give into it. I started to notice that my new clients all started to get ravenously hungry all at the same time. Since they started on similar dates, it was easier to see the pattern.
WEEK 1 – They are empowered to lose weight, get healthy, and stay on track. Their eating is right on track, for fear that their “evil” trainer with reprimand them 😉
WEEK 2 – Their exercise is doing well, their mental health is getting better and they are beginning to see some bodily changes. Their eating is doing well but they are silently dreaming about the food on their co-workers plate.
WEEK 3 – While their clothes are getting looser (by now) their hunger has seemed to increase. They are lusting after horrible food that they know will ruin their progress. Exercise is still going strong but they are a tad grumpy. They are fighting to keep from eating late at night.
Look closely at this pattern. In the fitness industry everything happens in 3’s. The wicked 3 weeks takes a toll towards the end of the 3 week cycle. If the client chooses not to give into their now ravenous hunger they win and drop weight! If they give themselves a “reward meal” for doing SO good then they lose.
The crazy hunger isn’t just because you lowered your calorie intake, it also has to do with a “set point” that your body has established. The “Set point,” is the weight that your body has adapted to and usually holds your body to. However, you do not determine the set point unless you actively try to change it (that’s why people diet, to change the set point, or weight). There is a lot of controversy over whether the set point theory is accurate. Based on my background I believe it to be relevant.
It’s simple really, however, not many people pay close enough attention to their body to know what’s really going on. To win, all you have to do is know your time frames and establish when your hunger is trying to keep you fat!! Know when it’s getting close to 3 weeks, know when you’ve eaten enough calories and your body is trying to trick you into eating more, and know when to stop eating.
It sounds simple, because it is!!! Fight that late night snack and you will see the scale begin to move in your favor. Don’t lust over others food, know that you are changing your life for the better. Lastly, pass on these great fitness tips to friends, family and loved ones so they can win the weight loss war as well!
Adria Ali
L Millsaps says
adreeza says