If you love health and fitness, then you’ll love this years Workout In The Park (put on by Self magazine). The tickets are already on sale at the Self Magazine website. 75% percent of the proceeds go to charity. When you purchase a $15.00 dollar ticket you also get a year subscription!!!

Self Workout In The Park 2008
Workout in the Park 2009 is a transformative total-body experience that brings SELF Magazine to life by offering exciting workouts, beauty consultations, fashion tips,20nutritional advice, and tons of freebies.
SELF will demo the hottest new exercise trends at Workout in the Park, including:Prana Power— this fusion class blends the flow of Vinyasa Yoga with the power of Kundalini Yoga;
Movieography— workouts set to the hit music from old favorites including Flashdance, Footloose and Dirty Dancing; and this year, Workout in the Park has increased the Rebounding area to accommodate more guests to this ever popular class!
Appearing exclusively at
Workout in the Park in Chicago!Celebrity guest host Jillian Michaels, trainer and life coach
on the hit NBC show The Biggest Loser.
Jillian brings her message of motivation to the Main Stage!
Check her out live and get advice to keep you moving
throughout the summer.Be one of the first 50 guests to purchase Master
Your Metabolism ($28.28 including tax) at Workout in
the Park in Chicago! You’ll have the opportunity to meet
Jillian and receive a personalized signing (source).
The events will take place in
San Diego (April 25),
New York City (May 9)
Chicago (May 16).
Fitness is best when it’s shared with others so make time in your schedule to get fit, give to charity and learn a few things!! You can never get enough inspiration or have enough fun; so get out there and burn some calories!
Adria Ali
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