Part one was a huge success and people have been contacting me with questions and comments non stop! As promised, here’s part 2 of the lower ab exercises !
Lower Ab Exercises to Banish That Lower Belly Pooch !
Reverse Crunch – Legs Straight
Leg lifts (or reverse crunches) can help you tone the obliques and lower abs. Lie on an exercise mat and raise the legs so they are straight up over the hips. Rest your hands palms down at your sides. Use your lower abs to lift your hips off of the floor, pulling them toward the ribcage. While doing this, turn your hips to your right side, holding in this position for five seconds before returning your starting position. Repeat on the left side, performing three sets of 10 repetitions on each side (source).
Stability Ball Knee Tucks
Working with a stability ball helps you to get more out of your strength training routine. Get on all fours and place the stability ball beneath your torso. Walk the ands forward until your feet are on the ball and the rest of your body is in the air balancing over the ball and your hands. Engage your core and pull the knees toward your chest, keeping your hips pointed toward the ceiling. The ball should roll forward under the shins to keep your feet in the air. Hold the position for two seconds, then extend the legs and roll back into the starting positions. Repeat this motion 10-15 times or until you are fatigued (source).
Bosu V-sit Crunch
To do it: Sit in the center of a BOSU trainer with your legs extended in front of you, knees slightly bent, with a two- to four-pound medicine ball between your thighs. Lean back, placing your hands on the floor behind the BOSU for balance (a). Contract your abs and slowly raise your legs toward the ceiling(b). Hold for one second, then return to the starting position. That’s one rep. Do 20 to 25 (source). Trainer Tip: If you don’t have a Bosu, you can also do this on the floor.
These lower ab exercises (part 2 ) can be combined with our last article, lower belly pooch be gone – part 1, OR you can alternate them week by week. The repetitions for these exercises can range anywhere between 12 – 25 repetitions depending upon your goal. Use our link above to print this out and add it to your fridge or gym bag! Don’t leave home without US! Keep an eye out, we are launch an app soon Leaving Lean, Adria
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