The fitness industry has come alive with the expansion of the internet. Social media platforms such as face book, pinterest, and instargram have breathed new life into exercise, weight loss and motivation. Whatever platform you’re on, fitness is plastered left and right. People aren’t just using it to find healthy recipes, they are using it to motivate themselves and other to change their old self destructive habits and embrace their TRUE self.
I recently jumped on the Instagram wagon. After listening to my hairdresser talk about the power that instagram has in the community, I thought I would give it a shot. It took me a couple of weeks to realize that this instagram was unlike the other platforms I loved (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest), it was full of personal inspiration. People posted their before and after pictures, they posted their food, their workout routines and they linked up with others who were on the same path.
As the weeks went by I started to use it more and more for Body Burn Bootcamp and for Fit Tip Daily. I posted my food, inspirational fitness quotes, things I was doing that day and I hashtaged everything! Before I knew it, my personal inspiration board that was driving me to lose and get lean was being followed by others on the same path. The more images I posted the more I saw my own virtual fitness motivation come to life. Then it came to me, these weren’t just ways to get inspired and waste time. These platforms have become the new version of a dream board (like in the secret or any manifestation book). What you post becomes a part of your reality. The amount of time you spend building your “reality” becomes the way that you build your future in your head.
Imagery has become a powerful tool but is overlooked in traditional fitness. However, people are using it in day to day life without knowing it and they could be maximizing it’s potential using these fitness tips.
How to Use Your Social Media Platform to Fuel Your Fitness Motivation
- Visit and Add to Your Page Daily for at least 5 -10 minutes
- Surf others peoples pages and friend people that inspire you!
- Look for POWERFUL quotes and images that “Hit Home.”
- Post your successes. Whether it’s healthy food you ate that day, your results on the scale, your workout routine, or something you avoided (like that piece of chocolate cake)
- Let others root for you! It sounds ridiculous but other people who have been in your shoes understand the struggles, posting your progress allows others to give you those virtual “high fives.”
- Socialize – Reach out and empower others. While your on your journey, fuel others. You’ll be amazed at how sending out positive comments to others brings positivity back to you and your goals.
I recently took a class in Bel Air at LWISSD (Lisa Willimas International School of Spiritual Development). Lisa’s School is the host of not only her inspirational, life changing classes but also other motivational teachers. I attended The class “Attract Positive Results,” which was AMAZING to say the least! Max Ryan was not only an inspiration but also a powerful speaker . The tools and tricks along with the information he provided have already helped to change the way I look at the world and my place in it, as well as, what I want to manifest in my own life and HOW TO DO IT! If you are interested in taking one of Max’s Amazing classes visit his site! He also has videos that you can purchase and enjoy in the comfort of your own home!
Whether you’re using a social media platform, a book, or a class; finding ways to motivate yourself to have a healthy lifestyle daily is VERY important. If you are already on Instagram them follow the FitTipDAily board. You can also find our pins on pinterest, and our images on facebook to add to your own fitness motivation.
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