With Summer fast approaching, and Spring already here, many people are renewing their interest in getting fit. Although our New Year’s Resolutions are long forgotten, and we’ve moved on to bigger and more daunting goals, we don’t have to push ourselves to get into shape twice as fast. It’s important to set attainable goals. Use these fitness tips this Spring to maximize your results and make use of the real fitness new year.

Tip #1: Set up an exercise schedule
Begin you new workout routine by doing (at least) 3 times a week. You will gradually be able to fit in more workouts, but start out slow so that you won’t get overwhelmed. Put the type of workout you will be doing and how long you will be performing that activity in your calendar app on your phone. Set up alerts to remind you of your upcoming workout and what to bring with you.
Fitness Tip #2: Grab a buddy
Peer pressure isn’t always a bad thing. If you’ve got someone waiting for you, you will be less likely to ditch your buddy at the gym. It’s always helpful to have someone encouraging you when you just don’t feel like going that extra mile. Not to mention, a little friendly competition couldn’t hurt. Just make sure you’re not focused too much on the numbers on the scale, it’s also about how you’re feeling.
Fitness Tip #3: Get some new tunes
Still listening to the same old music from the early 2000’s? Revamp your playlists with some new music. For the days when you are working out by yourself, you will need something to look forward to, and why not your favorite new song? New songs will help power you through your workouts.

Fitness Tip #4: Stretch it out
Prevent injury by stretching before and after your workouts. By spending a few minutes stretching yourself out, it will not only relieve some stress in your muscles, but you will prevent injuries that will most undoubtedly occur when you don’t stretch properly. Besides, you don’t want to be stuck on the couch with an injury preventing you from working out, and possibly putting you back weeks in progress.
Fitness Tip #5: Stay Hydrated
You’ve heard this before, but you should be having at least 8 glasses of water per day. Our bodies are made up mostly of water, treat yourself correctly and drink that water! If that’s not enough motivation, one reason for staying hydrated is to avoid cramping. Not to mention the fatigue and headaches that come with dehydration.
Whether it’s Spring or Winter, your commitment to your exercise program should be unwavering. But, let’s be realistic, lots of things waver. Try implementing these small things into your exercise regimen and let us know how you’re doing. We’d love to hear from you.
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