I heard about oil pulling after a friend mentioned that her naturopath recommended she do it every morning. This conversation came about because I noticed that her teeth were several shades brighter. When I asked if she had bleached, she said "no but I have been doing oil pulling and … [Read more...]
I Can’t Exercise – I’m Allergic … The True Story
In high school I had a friend that was actually allergic to exerise. You would have never known from his buff exterior and low body fat. From what I was told he could not exceed a certain heart rate so he was limited to lifting weights and stop and go exercises. I found a similar story while … [Read more...]
Neti Pot Saves Allergy Sufferers And Possibly Your Gym Routine
I was raised in Washington state, so you would image my surprise when after living in California for 9 years, they told me I have severe Allergies. As a kid growing up I never had any real issues. However, when the forest fires hit my area this year, I came down with puzzling symptoms … [Read more...]