In general, muscle growth was thought to be based on calorie intake, heavy lifting routines, and protein. Then there was creatine. Creatine is created in the body and is also acquired through meat and dairy. This supplement was hailed for it's rapid muscle gain with no side affects. However, now … [Read more...]
Fit Tip – Count Your “Negatives” For Increased Fat Loss
It's a well known fact that doing exercise quickly is a big "no, no." Muscle gain, calorie burning, and soreness all come from the negative action of the exercise. The "Negative" is anytime you are working WITH gravity. An example would be a pull-up, the down motion is your negative. To … [Read more...]
Why Am I Sore ?- An In Depth Look At The Anatomy Of A Workout
Have you ever wondered what really happens to yor muscle when you workout? Why is that your muscles get sore? What creates the soreness, and what is that "burn" that happens while you lift weights? Check out the reasons why with this in-depth look at your muscles during a workout. … [Read more...]