Based on my credentials, I know I am not a doctor, however I have had years of training hundreds and hundreds of women! I noticed a common thread about 4 years ago, it seemed as though all the women who had been taking birth control pills for years and years had big issues dropping fat. … [Read more...]
5 Common Running Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Body
Running is an excellent exercise to build cardio endurance, speed, balance, and functionality. Avid runners often say that running is the "Best Exercise" they know of. However, if you have ever watched a runner stride through the park of on the side of the street you might notice some huge … [Read more...]
Running Can Actually Help Strengthen Your Knees
This research changes the age old myth that running is bad for your knees. People in the gym have a huge fear of running. I also thought that this wasn't a good thing for knees. However, this research from Stanford published in 2008 puts all our minds at ease. It followed middle-aged, longtime … [Read more...]