Here in America we call it Jump Rope, but in Canada they say Skip Rope, either one works, literally. Jumping rope is a great cardio exercise because it can be done ANYWHERE! With the weather being on the colder side in LA, all I want to do is stay indoors...and eat! I like to eat, a lot, so I need … [Read more...]
Cross Fit Exercise Routine
Cross fit exercise routines have hit the fitness community hard and they are becoming more and more common. While the exercises aren't new, the term is being passed around frequestly as people boast about the intensity of their workout routine. If you'd like to try a corss fit workout you can … [Read more...]
Jump Start Your Weekend With This Full Body Workout Routine
The stress of the week is slowing down so it's time to ramp up your workout! Make the most out of your time with this exercise routine below. These fitness tips will help you burn calories, lose body fat, and fire up your metabolism over the weekend. 12-15 Step Back … [Read more...]
Get Inspired – Buddy Lee
In fitness, inspiration can be found in many places. Even watching people in the gym can be what you need to get you going. Observing people doing the "unthinkable" is an awesome way to push yourself to the next level. Buddy Lee is one of those people that makes fitness look like fun instead of … [Read more...]
Beat That Plateau With Super Set Workouts
So you've been really good on your workout routine. You eat healthy, track your calorie intake, but you still can't get your body to the next level. Most people don't know the term "super set" so we will fill you in! "Super Set" refers to doing back to back exercises before resting. There are … [Read more...]