New gimmicks come out every day. Freezing your fat has now become a common commercial on TV (at least in California). It's the newest non invasive way to get rid of fat. This FDA approved procedure allows doctors to zone in on one area and literally freeze the fat in that … [Read more...]
Love Handles Be Gone!
I am not going to use my magic wand or sprinkle fairy dust on you and tell you that exercise alone will get rid of your love handles. The old saying "Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym," is ABSOLUTELY TRUE! With that being said, you can use exercise to burn up extra unwanted … [Read more...]
Love Handles Could Actually Be Good For Your Health
If you are like most people; you hate excess fat around your mid section. We go through torturous diets, hard workout routines, and even wear things under our clothes to hid our "love handles." Regardless of their name, no one ever loves having this part of their body. Now research … [Read more...]
DNA Could Place Your Fat For You
Eating the right foods and working out have a huge impact on what size we are and how much body fat we have. However, we know that everyone one is different and this is determined by our genetic make up. The DNA that you get from your parents could play more of a role then once thought. This … [Read more...]
Are Your “Love Handles” Holding You Back?
No one likes to have access fat around their mid section. Despite their name; "love handles" may actually be causing a lot more harm then we once thought. Research in France has linked high waist measurements to impaired lung function. During the study, abdominal obesity was defined as … [Read more...]