Nothing's worse then wanting to get in shape but not having enough time to do it! For that reason, we've created another Body Burn workout to help you perform a quick workout before work, after work, or even on your lunch breaks. You can complete it in less than 15 minutes with no equipment … [Read more...]
A.M. OR P.M. Workout…What’s Best?
It seems as though their are always different ways to look at a morning workout verses a night workout. So what's the best for you and is one better then the other? "Fox" has it's own take on why you should workout in the A.M. Working out in the morning can boost energy for the … [Read more...]
5 Reasons To Exercise Before Work
No one seems to want to wake up early and exercise anymore. Is it our jobs? Our family life? Or has everyone just put their health needs on the back burner? Well Here are 5 reasons to get out of bed early and into the swing of things with some energy... It's usually a peaceful, quiet … [Read more...]