In the age of video games, television, and the high tech world of computers and ipads; children (and parents) have resigned themselves to coming home, cooking dinner, then watching TV until it's time for bed. The "active" child and parents have become a thing of the past. Pokemon Go Fitness could … [Read more...]
Make Your Own Virtual Fitness Motivation
The fitness industry has come alive with the expansion of the internet. Social media platforms such as face book, pinterest, and instargram have breathed new life into exercise, weight loss and motivation. Whatever platform you're on, fitness is plastered left and right. … [Read more...]
Virtual Fitness – Brought To You By Wii Fitness
The age of sitting on the couch and playing video games IS OVER!!! Now with the new Wii Nintendo system, kids and adults must get off the couch and into the virtual world of video games and FITNESS! This invention is ingenious! If you don't know what the Wii is.... it is a new … [Read more...]