This was my second year attending the bulletproof conference, and it never disappoints! It was packed full of informative speakers, amazing takeaways, and new innovative ideas. The conference and the science spark a new fire to learn, grow, and research. The 2016 Bulletproof conference was a different experience from the previous year for me personally. The depth of the conversations and stories took on a very different light than last year. This year, many of the topics made me question my previous knowledge on exercise, supplements, and learning. I am sure that a lot of these topics will be the new wave of 2017! Here are some of the cutting edge topics that turn traditional thinking upside down.
1.) Your Mitochondria Could Be Making You Fat and Sick
Mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of the cell, they shuttle toxins out, and supply the body with energy. What most people don’t know is that they can actually bog down the system, decrease your immune system and get overloaded with toxins. While the old myth that you’re genetically inclined to be fat has been debunked for decades, your upbringing could influence how your mitochondria function. Were you raised in a moldy home? Were you surrounded by toxins? Did you eat overly processed foods? Were you too busy to exercise? Did you forget to get enough sleep? While all of these are not genetic factors they can still be impressed upon you during your upbringing. Not genes, but lifestyle can all impact your mitochondria which can save you from death, obesity, disease, and depression. So what’s the answer?
Stronger mitochondria make for stronger brains and stronger bodies. So does consistency:mitochondrial biogenesis, or creating new mitochondria, becomes crucial for vibrant aging, optimal energy production, and protection against oxidative stress.
“Mitochondria slowly decline in number and vigor” as you age, writes Ginny Graves in a fascinating Prevention article. “Little by little, your health and vitality decline, until one day you realize that your favorite clothes no longer fit, you’re exhausted by a trip to the grocery store, and your doctor is writing you a script for metformin to control your diabetes(source).”
Dave’s newest supplement introduced at the bulletproof conference could help you reverse some of the negative side affects. It’s known as Ketoprime. The magic ingredient is oxaloacetate which is paired with citric acid for absorption. It’s also a great tool to use on low carb diets. Super charging your mitochondria is the newest way to biohack your body and flip the switch to better health, a better body, more energy and a high functioning mind. The research on this topic is so extensive that we will leave the details for an upcoming article.
2.) Overtraining Your Heart Could Be Bad For Your Health
Mark Sisson Then
Mark Sisson is one of the founding fathers of the Paleo diet. His topic of over training was all too familiar. He revealed that in his youth he was a professional endurance athlete. Training became his job and his income. However, decades of pushing his body to the limits could have thickened the muscle in his heart making it weaker, not stronger.

Mark Sisson Now
Key Takeaways
- Your heart doesn’t need help beating, it does that on it’s own.
- Train for power not endurance.
- Large bouts of cardio at high intensity aren’t necessary. Do cardio under your maximum cardio range to protect your heart. His equation was 180 – Age. This is his version of maximum heart rate. Stay under that number.
- Train to burn fat not sugars. Primal eating, the bulletproof diet, and other versions of a low carb diet can help your body to burn fat more efficiently instead of resorting to burning sugar.
3.) Stem Cell Therapy is the Wave of the Future
You may have heard of the recent procedures that Dave underwent for every aspect of his body. Skin, joints, organs, back issues, brain injuries and more. Stems cells have the ability to fix it all! I listened to Harry Adelson talk about his work around the world and with people of low income families and even the homeless. Every story had an impactful message. We, as a community, are green to the ways of stem cell therapy, but these methods have been used for decades. He told stories of a brain injury that was combated with stems cells which were injected by way of a spinal tap, regrowing shattered limbs, healing torn joints and ligaments, reversing the signs of aging and giving you back your sex life. It was all covered in this one hour talk that made you question your own personal issues. The best thing about stem cell therapy is that the cells can be pulled from your own body! They are then injected into the places that you need them the most. Stem cells are the “healing glue” that helps to regenerate, and renew what you once had. I see this as the wave of the future and I hope that many more people become familiar with the procedures and use them in place of some of the other less natural alternatives.
4.) Biohacking is Replacing Medicine
Everywhere you looked at the 2016 Bulletproof Conference was packed with new ways to improve your body and your health. From the newest products (Dave’s Ketoproime, Brain Octane pills, new flavors of mold free coffee, and Ghee) to gadgets, apps, meditation perifanialia, and new ways to supercharge your health.
2016 Bulletproof Conference – New Innovations and Products
Dessert Farms – Camel’s milk is one of the lowest lactose products available. It’s also being used for autistic children and to naturally improve gut health.
Aline Inserts – While shoe inserts aren’t new, this company fits them based on your specific needs. They are also flexible. They give as you walk, so you don’t feel like you’re treading on metal! I’ve been using them in my workout shoes and can feel that they are correcting each step! Keep in mind that you may be a little sore when you begin using them. This is due to muscles working that haven’t been used in your previous walking pattern.
Monique – A new take on essential oils. Pick your mood and inhale the essential oils of your choosing. Calm down with Zen, speed up with “Vibrant” or just turn up your mood with “Happy.” They are 100% organic and paired with vegetable glycerin. They are in an easy to use and portable inhaler. They could be just what you need to avoid NSAIDs, medications, and take you to your happy place. Carry it in your bag or purse to get what you need from mother nature.
A Quick Glance at the Bulletproof Labs Booth
NuCalm – Toss out your sleeping aids, your anxiety issues, and turn up your energy! This product was AMAZING! The cost was out of my price range but the results were outstanding. The representative said I would feel 10 years younger the next day and sleep like a baby. I put on the eye mask, listened to the music, applied the gaba lotion and added the electrode under my ear lobes. Then, set out to prove him wrong. Note: I’m not an easy sell…. he swayed me to sit down and try it by telling me Tony Robbins LOVES it.
I could feel my body fighting the process but within 12 minutes I was calm. After the process was over I was shocked to find out that it had be 45 minutes! That night, I returned home, chatted with my mom about the conference then went off to bed. In the morning I realized he was right! I felt amazing, slept amazing, and had no trouble staying asleep. Keep in mind, I have a long history of insomnia and I rely on my natural supplements to get me to sleep and keep me asleep. I didn’t have to use any of that! I feel asleep like a baby and was alert in the morning!
It’s my personal opinion that these devices are completely necessary for people who have high stress jobs. Whether your a VP, an athlete, a Doctor or struggling with your health. This could extend your life span by decades. This is definitely on my wish list!
Infrared Saunas – Go red and and it could improve your mood, your health, and reverse the signs of aging. The Infrared Saunas were one of the big ticket items to be used in the biohacking hall. Can’t afford a new sauna? Make your own version by buying the bulbs on amazon, inserting them into a cheap clamp-able lamp from Home Depot, then clipping them in the closet at various levels. Turn them on, step in, and absorb. I use this from time to time at night when I am trying to improve my sleep cycles, decompress from work, and regenerate my skin.
Super Charge Your Productivity – I started using a free trial of a music program that uses science to help you focus at work, and in your daily life. While my normally ADD type of thinking resisted it at first, it was just a matter of time before I found the right channel for me. I now use it daily to block out co workers, focus on the task at hand and blast through my work without distractions. Test it out this week and let me know if you had the same results!
Break Up Your Adhesions – There were 2 devices at the Bullletproof conference for breaking up facia, releasing toxins, and restoring muscle to the correct length. Shortened muscles cause faulty movement patterns, pain, and other horrible side affects. Take care of your muscle and it will take care of you!
Optimize Everything! – I was lucky enough to run into a booth giving out samples of an ancient resin. This resin is known as “Shilajit and Mumie” and is distributed by the company PurBlack. I drank the sample and was pleasantly surprised. My tired state lifted, my mental state was calm and alert, and I just felt better! It all seemed to happen at such a rapid pace. After doing a lot of research, I now realize why. PurBlack contains the purest form of Shilajit, filtered more times than you can count and harvested from the best sources. My countless hours reading about different companies has led me back to this company time and time again due to their strict regulations, purity and potency.
So, why does it optimize everything? No matter what your issue, hormone, immune, allergies, muscle recovery, strength, endurance, anxiety, taxed systems, and mental health; this product brings your body back to homeostasis. This is done through it’s active ingredient, Fulvic acid, along with many other ingredients to maximize your health.
Fulvic Acid contains up to 70 chelated vitamins, which makes the benefits of for health and well being endless. As such, this compound is effective for stimulating a number of healthful effects as well as treating a variety of health conditions. It’s been well documented in many health journals for decades to increase cognitive function, slow deterioration of the body, fight disease, increase libido, increase bone marrow, improve circulation, heal the body after chemo therapy, treat various hormone issues, enhance endurance, stimulate the metabolism, promote detoxification.
I have been taking it for over 2 months now. My immune system is better, my mental state is calm and steady, the inflamation in my joints has decreased, my sleep cycles are better, and I recover from my workouts at a rapid pace. I loved this product SO much that I put 2 clients on it, my mom, my sister, my dad, my brother AND my aunt overseas! I will be doing a full review on this soon so keep your eyes peeled for all the fitness tips, tricks, and information on this amazing product.
CLICK Here to Begin Optimizing
5.) You’re Never Too Old to Change the Way You Learn
Hacking your brain could be the most important tool for many. Forgetting names, losing your keys, being a “slow” learner could all be in your head. Jim Kwik beat the odds and taught himself a new way to learn. On the brink of dropping out of college David transformed his life by teaching himself a new way to learn. Then, sharing this gift with millions. His ability to break down the best ways to remember, absorb material, and tick your mind into retaining it; changed his life. As part of the conference, he took the crowd through a learning exercise. The exercise was 10 steps long. I thought for sure I would get lost along the way and forget my way into confusion. To my surprise, I remembered each part of the process and walked away feeling more in tune with my learning ability and a bit more confident! He offers free classes on his website. Try your hand at these exercises and shock yourself into better retention in no time.
The Butter Mobile
Interactive 3D Simulator
Dave’s Vibe
The Bulletproof Oxygen Bar
The conference wasn’t all about the information and the products, it’s also one of the few places that I don’t feel like a weirdo! It was full of like minded people with a thirst for knowledge and improving themselves both inside and out! I was blessed to meet up with some of my favorite biohackers that I talk to via facebook and forums. Here’s a picture of me and one of my favorites, Linda Royer.
While many go to great lengths to ignore the signals their body is sending them, others listen. Your body has a voice, and it’s one that shouldn’t be ignored. Biohacking isn’t just a way of being, it’s a way of life. Embrace what you have, live for what you love, and protect this intricate system that was bestowed upon us by our creator.
Tiffany says
Adria Ali says
Anne says
endoscopist says