Among the top 3 areas on people that they hate, the inner thighs are always on the list. Inner thighs tend to ripple and store fat as we age and the skin gets thinner. However, if you lower your body fat through eating and exercise and treat your inner thighs as a constant focus, you can avoid the drama and keep a leaner, tighter figure. Use this fitness tip to get the most out of your workout while becoming your own body architect.
The Forgotten Inner Thigh Exercise – Wide Stance Dead Lift
For most, this exercise will feel like a deep stretch. It’s not till the next day that the soreness hits and you finally realize that this “simple” exercise has actually really worked!
Stand over the barbell, with feet wider then “shoulder-width apart”, and the bar positioned over the center bridge of your feet.
Bend down to grasp the bar, with your arms touching the outside of each leg.
Push the hips back & keep your back straight. Your knees should be very bent, and thighs are close to parallel to the ground.
Push with the legs and keep the bar close to your shins & thighs as you straighten up. At the top of the movement, contract your hamstrings and butt.
All torso movement should stem from hinging forward & back from the hips.
Your back should never curve or slouch forward. A good rule of thumb is to pull your shoulder blades back and down (so you don’t shrug your shoulders). I tell clients to picture squeezing a pencil with their shoulder blades. This visual helps them to get an image of what their back is supposed to be doing during the contraction phase of this exercise.
Reverse the movement and lower the weight back down in a controlled movement.
When setting the weight down, bend your knees to lower the weight to the ground (after you’ve completed all your repetitions)
Trainer Fitness Tips: Remember to focus on the muscles you are working so that your brain connects to the muscle. This will allow you to get the most out of each exercise, and in the end, better results! In the case of this inner thigh exercise, focus on inner thigh, glutes (butt) and hamstrings (back of legs). The wider your feet the more inner thigh you will feel.
* Make sure that you control your core! Keep your stomach tight. It acts a your “natural weight belt” to support your back as you bend and straighten at the hips.
Test this inner thigh exercise out at home or in the gym. While many people seem to think that looking at yourself in a mirror while exercising is vein, it actually to helps you control and correct your form. This is especially important for all dead lift exercises since it can directly affect your back. If you love these fitness tips, spread the fitness love and pass it on using the “share” link above.
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