It seems as though more and more celebrities are ditching the old ways to lose weight and opting to use pills to keep themselves thin. Who needs to workout when you can get high on pills, zone out and fall asleep happy? The days of cocaine and meth are in the past. This more acceptable and “prescribed” way of life helps them stay slim and somewhat coherent.
However, this is definitely NOT the way to lead a healthy life style. In the end it leads to addiction, muscle loss, and increased fat, ,due to lack of physical activity. No matter what drug they choose, the end result is ALWAYS bad!
Paula Abdual has just come clean with her perscription drug abuse. America knew long ago, but this is the first time that she has admitted her addiction and is seeking help. Oh wait… she recanted….
Just days after Paula Abdul’s long-term struggle with painkillers was made public
in an interview she did with Ladies’ Home Journal, she’s denying pretty much all of it. That took less time than it does to reveal who is getting booted from “American Idol”, didn’t it?Abdul claims she was misquoted and that her admission about going to rehab was taken out of context. The detox she says (now) that she had was a “mud baths and facials” kind of drying out, not a pills and whatever else kind of clean-up. Never mind that she detailed her withdrawal symptoms in the interview.She’s sticking by her previous statements, saying (yes, again), “I’ve never checked into a rehab clinic. I’ve never been addicted or abused drugs, and I’ve never abused alcohol. I’ve never even been drunk in my life.”Ladies’ Home Journal is also sticking to their story, saying (ahem), “We definitely stand by out reporting. We’re happy that she shared her journey with us.”Abdul says it’s all been very stressful and I would imagine that the magazine is just smiling and nodding while the cha-ching cha-ching of this issue’s sales start rolling in.I did note that Paula Abdul has not been quoted as directly saying she is an addict. I thought that might be strategic on her part. And honestly, she is the person who has to say that first before any of us can hang the big sign over her head. But I am pretty sure than no matter what label we put on it, the backpedaling, odd behavior, and excuses — not to mention how much of it has been aired on “American Idol” and her own reality show — do indicate this woman’s pretty deep in her own mess.
No one said getting “clean” was easy. However, the first step is to recognize you have a problem! If you can’t do that, then you can’t begin to heal.
Adria Ali
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