To be consistently over weight means that there are things in your diet that are consistently WRONG. It’s not until you identify these problems that you can begin to fix them and shed those extra pounds to regain your energy and health. Here are some of the most common mistakes made by the overweight society.
1.) Eating Out– We all eat out, but not all of us eat bad when we eat out. The overweight population not only eats out… they consistently eat the wrong foods when eating out! There is a difference. Pretty soon that “treat” that you had for dessert last night is an every-other-day occurrence. Don’t let this be YOU!
2.) Keeping Bad Foods In Your House – If you are going to eat cookies and fried foods … DON’T BRING THEM HOME! You will be eating them for days after.
3.) Not Eating Frequently– Everyone should be eating every 3-4 hours! This way your blood sugar doesn’t drop and you don’t head for the desserts!
4.) SODA AND DIET SODA– YES, diet soda is just as bad for you as “real” soda. Try to limit your soda all together. Studies are now showing that diet soda still spikes your blood sugar.. meaning you can gain weight from drinking it!
5.) Not Taking a Multivitamin!!! – I don’t care how much food you eat… you will not get all your vitamins from you now OVER PROCESSED food! People who don’t take a multivitamin tend to over eat foods because their body is trying to satisfy the caving for the vitamin they lack! I can’t tell you how many times my clients have gone on sugar / chocolate binges because they weren’t taking their multivitamin. Sounds Hokey right??? Wrong! The key vitamin in chocolate is magnesium…. my “chocoholic” clients ALL cut their chocolate in take after they started on their multivitamin!!!
6.) Not Enough Sleep!! – Research shows that not enough sleep leads to increased cortisol levels (your stress hormone)…. this is the same hormone that causes weight gain!
7.) Sedentary Lifestyles – The walk across the parking lot is not enough to keep you healthy!! However, taking a walk on your lunch break is!!! It’s a simple trick that can lead to many other healthy ways of life! Make exercise a part of everyday.. even if it’s only 20-30 minutes a day!
These all sound simple right??? OK, now here’s the real test! Write these 7 mistakes down at home and at work. Make a check list for each day. Go down the list and check them off as you go! If you need to; make little comments for each one, each day. Fix these mistakes and fix you!
Adria Ali
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