Almost all of our plastic products can be recycled. The triangular symbol on the bottom of the containers and products is universal for recycling. However, few actually look inside at the number within the triangle. Even fewer know what each number means and how it could affect your health in the long run.
Grab the nearest plastic container or water bottle. Flip it over and view the number (most have one). Now, look at the chart below and identify what kind of plastic you are eating or drinking out of.
If the number is a 2 (high density polyethylene), #4 (low density), #5 (polypropylene) then your bottle should be fine. However, most of our drink bottles have a #1 on the bottom. This means that you should ONLY use that bottle once. Do not refill it, don’t tote it around in your gym bag for several days and then drink it’s toxic fluids. The worst plastics are 3, 6, and 7!
If you have a # 7 on the bottom of your bottle or container then you could be doing more harm then you know! Chemicals from the plastic leaches into the water or food and disrupts the endocrine system. This disruption in the hormonal messages in our bodies could lead to breast cancer, and uterine cancer in women and decreased levels of testosterone in men. The worst harm can be done to children and babies.
Who would have thought that drinking water ( the fluid of life) could be so complex and complicated! With man made substances such as plastic also comes man made problems. So, the easiest way to steer clear of chemicals is to use containers from the earth. Glass is the best way to go! So find a glass water bottle and resealable glass containers to store your foods.
Adria Ali
Queenangel says